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Turning Final

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


I've decided to bring my blog back to life. Turning Final has been grounded for quite some time now. I have never really had any clear direction in mind to take it, and as a result it just became a "whatever I wanna write about" sort of place. I suspect it still will be, but I intend to write mostly about aviation-related topics that interest me. Most of the subject matter will probably revolve around, well, me. I'll be blogging about flights I take or lessons I've endured. Any trips I take that require the use of an airplane, especially those done in the company Navajo, will also be written about here.

The caveat is this: I will not get posting here regularly. I simply don't have the time. Now I know someone is going to give me the line about how no blog ever "takes off" unless there is new material there every day.

I. Don't. Care.

I'm not here to try to become the defacto aviation blog-o-rama king. I'll let my Twitter followers know where there's a new blog post (you can follow me on Twitter: DaveFlys) and I'll try to keep it somewhat fresh. Just keep in mind I'm doing this in my limited free time and with only limited aviation experience. After all, I'm not a pilot ... yet.


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