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Turning Final

Thursday, November 27, 2008

We are thankful for ...

I woke up this morning thankful that the sun woke me up and not my alarm. I kissed my wife and told her "Happy Thanksgiving, honey." Soon I had a steamy cup of coffee in-hand, and as I sat in front of my computer reading the night's tweets, it occured to me to ask my Twitter followers what things they are thankful for. The inspiration for this certainly came from Steve Tupper's "You Might Be a Pilot" quest a few weeks ago.

The following is a of the responses I got throughout the day.

I am thankful ...

  • for my awesome children, great friends, and a family who is there for me even though the distance is huge!

  • that I have a job.

  • for emergency responders who are working hard today.

  • for the men and women of the armed forces protecting me from all enemies, foreign and domestic.

  • for kids that scream "Daddy! Daddy!" as soon as I get home from work.

  • for my friends and family. They are the absolute best!

  • for the listens and viewers of my podcast. Without you, there would be no point. (many of us share this sentiment)

  • for the patient competence of CFIs.

  • that people spend a lot of time, effort, and more $$$ than I'll ever have keeping historically significant planes flying

  • I live in the country where flying is the cheapest "free-est", still true despite the efforts of the government.

  • for airplanes. But that was too easy. ;)

  • I did such a good job of prepping yesterday that I have nothing to cook until after noon today.

  • for health, freedom, good friends, good weather at the right time. Next year I'd like to be thankful for a less volatile stock market.

  • for nights when the pager doesn't go off.

  • for just enough cream to lighten my morning coffee.

  • for the four 'F's'; Family, Friends, Food, and Football!

  • for birds. Those we watch, those we fly, and those we eat!

  • for approach lights at 300 AGL.

  • for turbines, radar, heated wings.

  • for ATC.

  • for heated cowls, de-ice fluid, APU's, more thrust then you need (because there'll come a time you do need it all)

  • for Jesus' life, death, and resurection.

  • for happy gate agents!!!

  • for the kindness & thoughtful sentiments from all my friends, both near and far!

  • that the Cowboys spanked the Seahawks today ;)

A special thanks to all of the contributors, whose Twitter IDs are: sirclown82, DodieLA, isuhawkeye, hollyrn76, StephenForce, flyingcheezhead, rwc101010, yaksierra, billwil, PlaneMadness, carriecotter, and motorbikematt.


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